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The sacroiliac (SI) joint plays a crucial role in maintaining the spine's stability by connecting the sacrum to the ilium. This joint and various muscles and ligaments enable our body to engage in essential movements such as walking and running. However, when this joint becomes inflamed or misaligned, it leads to sacroiliac joint pain. 受伤, 怀孕, 骨关节炎, 异常行走方式, 强烈的运动, and many other health conditions can cause such pain.

Some mild exercises and 延伸 for SI joints can help relieve your pain. But 延伸 and exercises aren't the only solutions for every 关节疼痛. 在怀孕期间, the production of the relaxing hormone causes this pain, 在这种情况下,伸展是没有用的.

那么,如何自己解开SI关节呢? 尽管先进的 关节疼痛 需要一个专业的医疗评估, 一些练习, 延伸, and changes in sleeping positions do the job for general joint pain.

And for initial relief, you can try the following 延伸, exercises, and sleeping positions.


Gentle exercises that flex the muscles of SI joints can help reduce the pain. Here are two 关节疼痛 relief exercises you can try at home:


A simple and effective exercise to target the inner thigh muscles and provide instant pain relief by resetting misaligned SI joints is as follows:

  • 仰面躺下 with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Prop yourself up on your elbows to raise your upper body slightly.
  • 在膝盖之间放一个垒球或枕头.
  • Engage your inner thigh muscles by squeezing the ball or pillow with your knees.
  • 保持收缩3秒.
  • 放松膝盖,放松挤压.
  • 重复练习10次.


Band abduction is another effective exercise for strengthening the thigh muscles and reducing 关节疼痛. This exercise requires a simple tool like a thin band, which can be purchased or made using stretchy banding materials.

Here are the steps for performing the band abduction exercise:

  • 仰面躺下 with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Place a resistance band around your knees, ensuring it is comfortable and secure.
  • Extend your knees outward, pushing against the resistance of the band.
  • 保持这个姿势一会儿.
  • 慢慢地将你的膝盖并拢.
  • 重复这个动作十次.


You can stretch the muscles around your SI joint daily for a few minutes for long-term benefits. Even a couple of 延伸 are enough to see a good result. Stretching can help loosen up the tight areas of the SI Joint and relieve tension from your lower back. Doing 延伸 can help reduce your pain and discomfort while ensuring flexible movements.

1. Knee-To-Chest拉伸

The knee-to-chest stretch is beneficial for loosening the muscles around the SI joints and relieving discomfort. 这种拉伸也可以帮助改善身体状况 坐骨神经 刺激.

Here are the steps for performing the knee-to-chest stretch:

  • 仰面躺下.
  • Hug your left knee towards your chest with both hands.
  • Hold for 60 seconds, feeling your lower back and buttocks stretch.
  • 另一只膝盖平放在地板上.
  • 放松,右腿重复.
  • 保持60秒,感受拉伸.
  • 回到起始位置.

This stretch can relieve and promote flexibility in the sacroiliac (SI) joint area. Remember to perform the stretch on each leg separately and hold the position for an appropriate duration to experience the full benefits.

2. 双膝至胸部拉伸

The double knee-to-chest stretch relieves tension in the lower back, 腿筋, 和臀部, 同时也针对骶髂关节疼痛.

Here are the steps for performing the double knee-to-chest stretch:

  • 仰面躺下.
  • Bring one knee towards your chest, gently pulling it closer with both hands.
  • 保持30到60秒, feeling the stretch in your lower back and buttocks.
  • 把膝盖放低.
  • Repeat with the other knee, bringing it towards your chest.
  • 保持30到60秒.
  • 把膝盖放低.
  • 休息30秒.
  • 重复3 - 4次,膝盖交替.

Remember to hold each knee towards the chest for an appropriate duration and rest between repetitions to experience the full benefits of this stretch.

3. 图四拉伸

The Figure Four stretch is highly effective for mobilizing various hip muscle groups and the lumbar spine.

Here are the steps for performing the figure four stretch:

  • 仰卧,双脚平放在地板上.
  • Rest the left ankle on the right knee, creating a 90-degree angle.
  • 用双手将右膝盖拉向胸部.
  • 感受左臀部的拉伸.
  • 保持大约60秒.
  • 放松右膝,回到起始位置.
  • 重复左膝与右膝交叉的动作.
  • 向胸部挤压左膝.
  • 保持大约60秒.
  • 松开左膝,回到起始位置.

This stretch targets the muscles of the buttocks 和臀部, 包括梨状肌, which can help relieve tension and discomfort in the sacroiliac (SI) joint area. Remember to perform the stretch on each side to achieve a balanced stretch and hold the position for an appropriate duration to experience the full benefits.


You must maintain a neutral spine alignment while sleeping for sacroiliac joint pain. 睡眠模式因人而异.

  • When sleeping on your back, put pillows under your knees instead of keeping the knees straight
  • Put a pillow under your pelvic region when lying down on your stomach
  • When you're side sleeping, put a pillow between the knees

If you feel constant pain around your SI joints and no home remedies are working, 是时候去看医生了. At 全球正规博彩公司平台app我们希望你过最好的生活. No matter your age, joint pain can prevent you from living the lifestyle you love. 这就是我们来帮忙的原因. Our comprehensive Orthopedic Care Center features specialty fellowship-trained surgeons and a specially trained nursing staff who work together to keep you active and strong. Dr. Jeffrey敏锐, 与全球正规博彩公司平台app骨科专家, is a board-certified fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip and knee surgery. For more information on our practice or our providers, 访问我们的网站.